If you are watching the national News here in the US, you may not even be aware that Kenya is experiencing historic flooding across the nation. As of yesterday, 257 people have been killed and 293,000 others displaced in 31 out of Kenya’s 47 counties. Many of our pastors’ communities have been devastated and some…
On Monday, February 19, the students began their second week of instruction. Rev. Jotham Munene arrived to take the students through another unit, “The Role of a Pastor” for two days. Read about the second week of training.
On February 5, 2024, twenty-two student pastors from different parts of Kenya reported to school. We look forward ro great things.
On February 11 and 12, 2024, twenty-four student pastors from different parts of Kenya reported to school. As those who arrived on the 11th gathered that evening for dinner, there was a lot of joy and excitement as the students were happy to begin a new chapter at DPTC. After supper, they headed to prepare…
On Sunday, February 18, the DPTC class had a service conducted in the covered pavilion behind the classroom. The service was organized and planned by the student pastors. It started at 9:30 a.m. with the intercessory led by Pastor Guyo followed by a session of praise and worship conducted by a group of pastors who had…
Joseph won the new DPTC Director’s Award at his graduation ceremony. His mentor is Stephen Mugiira, DPTC Class of 2014. Read his letter.
In mid-February, the class of 2025 will attend their first session at DPTC. They will come from across Kenya with many spiritual and physical needs, hopes, and dreams. At DPTC, they will find a loving staff and faculty who welcome them with open arms and will shepherd them along this journey. They will now have…
The DPTC has been a blessing to me and to the ministry. This is because after I completed the school, I went and started afresh the children’s ministry whereby I divided the Sunday School classes into three according to their ages. I also recruited many teachers for the kids. Before I graduated, I was at…
I am pastor Anthony from Kibera slum in Nairobi County ministering with Light in the Holy Spirit Church (Kibera). I graduated from Divine Providence Training Center (DPTC) in 2018. Before I joined the training, I was tired in the ministry having burn-out in preaching trying many things in the ministry but things were not working.…
During the Alumni Conference held in August, many DPTC alumni wrote heartfelt letters sharing the impact DPTC has had on them personally, their communities, and their ministry. Over the next few months, we will be sharing these letters as witness to the impact of your support over the years. We are so grateful to all…
We are excited to share the next step in growing the water kiosk business. CTLI has procured a motorbike fitted with containers that can hold up to 6 20-liter bottles of water for home deliveries. The ability to serve customers in this way is expected to greatly increase water sales from the new kiosk. Water…
We are excited to share the next phase in the evolution of the ministry for Divine Providence Training Center. The first class met in a rented space at a Catholic Guest House in 2009. In 2010, we were blessed to be able to purchase land and build Camp Chemi Chemi giving the School a permanent home. Now,…
After two years of training at Divine Providence Training Center, the class of 2023 just experienced an unforgettable week at Camp Chemi-Chemi. Last week started with a True Identity Retreat led by TI founders Jennifer and Remco Brommet and culminated with the class graduation festivities and ceremony. The live-streamed graduation ceremony included a most relevant…
On Tuesday, November 14, supporters of Divine Providence Training Center gathered to celebrate another year in the life of this incredible ministry. Over the past 15 years, Divine Providence Training Center has trained 169 pastors from 168+ churches and ministries reaching over 2.6 million people with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
All the various meetings and presentations at the Alumni Conference were punctuated on the second day by an amazing time of team-building held outdoors on the shore of Lake Naivasha. It was an opportunity for the alumni to loosen up, move around, have fun and laugh a lot… with a tiny bit of friendly competition…
One of the featured presentations at the Alumni Conference was a pictorial retelling of the DPTC Story. It was a time for each of the seven classes to reflect on its own two-year term at school, but also a time for all classes to witness the 15 years of amazing progress that the organization of…
Many of the supporters of Friends of DPTC know Paul for his long-time operation of the school, Divine Providence Training Center. But Paul has many other responsibilities at Chemi Chemi: the camp; the water business; overseeing several employees, occasional day laborers, and contractors who bring special skills and expertise; planning and implementing special events for the…
The Alumni Conference was a time of encouraging DPTC’s alumni pastors in their calling and in their ministries. The keynote speaker was Rev. Justus Mugambi whose message was “Reflecting on the Call to Serve as a Pastor.” He challenged the pastors to remember their original call into ministry and to reawaken that focus on Christ…
Joshua Tinti is a DPTC graduate from the Class of 2018. A Maasai Pastor with Dominion Chapel Ministries. Joshua was a stellar student and highly motivated to devour all the training he could to be better equipped to serve his congregation. Joshua and his wife Pamela were blessed with four children and a fifth baby…
Thanks to the continued generosity of a long-time donor who collaborates with DPTC Director Paul Njuguna specifically in the area of Alumni Development, the first off-campus alumni conference was realized the first weekend of this month. Due to the large number of alumni, the conference was held at a beautiful resort on Lake Naivasha in…
Listen to a former teacher, Peter Kinuthia, as he talks about the importance of the mission of DPTC.
Our vision is “Transforming Kenyan Pastors for effective Kingdom Ministry.” That is why we support Divine Providence Training Center. We believe that for a community to be transformed, projects, funding and education do not address the heart of the matter for they do not address the heart. The heart is the heart of the matter…
This week we are sharing the story of Pastor Simeon Lenarum, who came to us from the Samburu tribe and ministers with Laitabarok Evangelistic Ministries. Upon his graduation from DPTC in 2012, he won the Dr. Mike Long Following the Call Award and his classmates were all in agreement it should go to him. His…
Greetings to all the friends of Divine Providence Training Center. We are at an exciting moment here in Kenya, The pastors are coming for the July session reporting to school thisSunday and we are looking forward to an engaging period over the next two weeks where the pastors will go through the four courses that…
This week, we are sharing the life of David Lting’Ida Letooyia. David came to us from the Samburu tribe, and graduated from Divine Providence with the class of 2016. His passion for Christ lies with the people of his tribe, where many have not been taught accurate information about the bible due to limited resources in biblical studies for faith leaders.
In the past, we have struggled with transportation in and out of Chemi Chemi due to the road’s rough terrain and many potholes. Therefore, a grant was requested to help assist Divine Providence in fixing the road leading up to Chemi Chemi. And the good news is, the grant was approved! This has allowed us to move forward with road construction, and we are so excited to share the progress with you.
This week, I am sharing the story of Martin Muturi, who came to us from the Kikuyu tribe. Martin’s journey with Christ began at a time when he was feeling hopeless and wanted his life to end.
This week, we are sharing the story of Jackson Kimeu, who comes from the tribe of Kamba. Jackson is currently a student with Divine Providence and will be graduating this upcoming November of 2023. Growing up, Jackson was raised in a family of witch doctors.
We truly saw God at Work during our Celebration of Divine Providence Training Center on Tuesday, November 29. Praise God, we raised $21,308!
This week, we are sharing the inspiring story of Aluvale Mugoha, of the tribe Maragori.
This week, we are sharing the story of John Wachira. John came to Divine Providence from Kiambu in 2012 and graduated with the class of 2014.
It has been a week since our Roswell Student Ministries youth group has landed in Nairobi at Camp ChemiChemi, and we wanted to share an update with you all about their amazing trip! This group of thirteen has been busy attending several different Divine Providence graduates’ churches, assisting with sanding down and staining our tent…
We are looking forward to sharing with you a prosperous and exciting two years for the new Divine Providence Training Center class! This group of twenty-seven pastors comes from sixteen different counties across the country, stretching as far north as Marsabit, and as far south as Kalifi. Each pastor is already engaged in ministry yet has never received…
The tents at ChemiChemi are essential in enabling Divine Providence to continue training pastors, in more ways than just one. It is so important to have a place for the pastors to come together in an optimal learning environment that promotes community, growth, and learning. However, the influence of ChemiChemi’s welcoming atmosphere and staff has…
For the past twelve years, Divine Providence Training Center has hosted their pastors-in-training in safari-styled tents at camp Chemi Chemi. Each of the 10 tents is built on a wooden platform and includes a bathroom supplied with our clean water for showers and sinks and fully functioning plumbing. With the ability to house up to…
From the beginning, a goal at the heart of DPTC has been to become an entirely Kenyan-run operation. Slowly over time, DPTC has become less and less dependent on funding from American profits and donations because of their efforts to establish financial self-sustainability.
As we are beginning to come through this time of turmoil and uncertainty, Divine Providence Training Center continues to move forward and grow the ministry. The water project is nearing readiness to begin production and delivery and the current class of pastors have completed their training and are preparing to graduate. We are excited about…
Meet Haley Schroeder and Kate Benn, the new social media interns for Friends of Divine Providence Training Center! Haley is a recent 2020 graduate of the University of North Georgia, and currently works as a pediatric nurse at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Scottish Rite Hospital. Kate is looking forward to graduating from the University of South Carolina this upcoming May with a visual communications degree. We have both had the pleasure of traveling together to Kenya with RUMC’s youth ministry group. While in Kenya, we fell in love with the boldness of faith we witnessed in so many Christ followers there, and the ground-breaking work Jesus is doing through the staff and mission of Divine Providence.
The equipment ordered from China has been received. Due to the impact of the Pandemic, work is progressing slowly but steadily as they coordinate remotely with the Chines firm. Fortunate, Paul found an experienced local contractor, Hydromasters Limited, who is able to provide services. This is an exciting time and is the culmination of nearly…
The second Pastor’s training session was rescheduled to May 16th -28th after the covid lockdown was lifted on 1st May. Read the report from DPTC Executive Director, Paul Njuguna.
Work is progressing on the storm water management project. Read DPTC Executive Direct Paul Njuguna’s update
Read the latest updates from Friends of Divine Providence Training Center.
After the major Covid disruption last year which affected training sessions and the graduation of the class of 2020, classes finally resumed on February 7, 2021. The team at DPT had greatly missed the group of Pastors and were anxious to hear their testimonies of God’s faithfulness and preservation in the midst of challenging times.…
Read the latest updates from Friends of Divine Providence Training Center.
When we began DPTC in 2008, we had already captured the vision and the passion of our Kenyan friends’ dream to build a training center for their pastors in Africa. Our goal always was to help the two Kenyan pastors who first captured the dream to establish a seminary-like school plus some sort of business that would support the school, thus making the ministry self-supporting.
DPTC Alumni
Preparing for a Mission Trip
Class of 2023